Hardcore Communist and convicted criminal Gerry Gable, publisher of the “Searchlight” magazine, has reacted hysterically to the public exposé of his die-hard Stalinist Communist past on this website a few days ago, by demanding that the article be taken down. The BNP’s press office received the following email from Gable:
Send reply to: <editors@searchlightmagazine.com>
From: “Searchlight” <searchlight_inf@btconnect.com>
To: <chairman@bnp.org.uk>
Copies to: <pressoffice@bnp.org.uk>
Subject: Legal Action
Date sent: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 13:31:31 -0000
Organization: Searchlight
Mr Griffin
We request that you immediately remove from the British National Party website the whole of the item entitled, “Gerry Gable - Die-Hard Communist Who Cost the BBC £1 million in Damages“, on the grounds that it is grotesquely inaccurate and clearly libellous in several instances. It is damaging to the reputation of Gerry Gable as a professional journalist and as a private individual.
Obviously, the truth of Gable’s hardcore Communism has at last reached the media at large (who regularly monitor this web site) and this explains why his much vaunted allegations of “BNP financial irregularities” - for which he used Labour MP Jon Cruddas to announce in parliament, hiding behind parliamentary privilege, have been ignored by the mainstream media, who, upon discovering Gable’s agenda, ditched the story without further ado.
The BNP has informed Gable that the article will not be removed because it is covered by the principle of fair comment and reportage.
It is in the interests of the general public that the full details of the activities of Gable and his magazine are revealed, as he pretends to be an ‘impartial’ opponent of the BNP whilst he himself is both a political activist and an active Communist Party supporter.
His ‘organisation’ is in receipt of funds from the Labour Party, money from Trades Unions that support the Labour Party. Furthermore, Searchlight has become involved directly in election campaigns by working with Labour Party activists and officers and candidates to attack the BNP.
Confirmation that Searchlight is in fact a Labour Party front organisation, has been confirmed publicly by Liam Smith, a Labour Party election agent in an election in Goresbrook, who was quoted in the media as saying that “(T)he Labour Party, Searchlight and the unions have formed a great team together and this sets us in good stead for next year’s all-out local elections.”
Furthermore, our article, as put on the website, is protected under the “Reynolds Public Interest Test” as reportage, which asserts all information of this nature is aired in the public interest. Gable is familiar with this case law, having used it himself in previous court actions.
When Labour MP Jon Cruddas cowardly used his parliamentary privilege to make public Searchlight lies about the BNP, he did so full in the knowledge that if he had made the same allegations outside the House of Commons, that he would be opening himself up to a libel action.
In such a unique case where Parliamentary Privilege was used to evade the libel laws, then it was clearly in the public interest for the source of the information to be questioned by us seeing as we were the victims of the attack by Cruddas.
Gable has also lost various libel cases in the past (as detailed here) and was also a member of a totalitarian organisation, The Communist Party of Great Britain, and stood in an election for that party, at a time in history when tens of millions of innocent people were being slaughtered by affiliated political parties directly linked to the British Communist Party.
To recap Gable’s open and verifiable Communist record:
Gable was a member of the Young Communist League and the Communist Party of Great Britain.
He started as a trainee journalist on the Communist Party’s Daily Worker.
After a year he left for what became a career as a Communist Party trade union official.
He stood for the Communist Party on Thursday the 10th of May 1962 at Northfield Ward, Stamford Hill, North London.
These links remain. In 1986 Searchlight was distributed by ‘Central Books Ltd.’, a Communist Party front that distributes various Marxist literature.
It is also of interest to not that Gable has a criminal record with several offences for burglary and theft. Amongst other things, he has been convicted of stealing a GPO pass card which was used in one burglary.
Arrested alongside Gerry Gable was Manny Carpel. Manny Carpel was convicted the year before of assaulting P.C. William Nield and of having an offensive weapon (a metal butcher’s hook). Later, when in court for setting light to a printworks in Uckfield, Sussex, and causing more than £50,000 worth of damage (November the 5th, 1980) he described himself as “a freelance journalist working for Searchlight”. Despite his previous convictions, Carpel received a mere two and a half year sentence on the 13th of April 1981.
The founders of Gable’s Searchlight operation are equally interesting. The Zionist terror outfit, ‘The 62 Group’ (supporters of the terrorist Beginite Herut organisation in Israel) was unofficially based in the Limbo Club in Soho. Gable was involved with the ‘62 Group’ and the Limbo Club was managed by one Harry Bidney. After his death Bidney was described by Searchlight as a “hero”.
In 1977, Bidney was found guilty of eight charges of living off the earnings of prostitutes. In court, Bidney was described as the company secretary of Calderhead Investments, which was headed by David Calderhead, who was jailed for, on his own admission, attempting to procure a 16-year-old boy to commit an act of gross indecency with the predatory homosexual Harry Bidney.
In the March 1997 edition of Searchlight, Gable wrote of his joy at having a 60th birthday surprise party sprung on him by his fellow Searchlight criminals. He listed pimp Harry Bidney as one of just eight “old and dear friends” who had “passed on”. But, Gable wrote, “(T)he evening did not pass without fond memories of you all”.
The official BNP response to Gable’s threats concluded:
“Therefore if your client wishes to sue us, then we welcome this opportunity to address in public all the above issues as we believe it is in the public interest that all the facts relevant to these issues are disclosed, investigated and revealed.”
Thursday, 20 December 2007
Monday, 19 November 2007
BNP Crisis Conference Crisis Disaster Crisis

SEVERAL MILLION anti-democracy protesters bought Blackpool to a standstill on Saturday to disrupt democracy once more.
It was pissing down and blowing a gale as we screamed abuse at a hotel wall. So bad is the BNP crisis that we could clearly see the odd BNP member peep through the curtains with tears in his eyes. I am certain he was crying with fear and not laughter at us standing in the freezing rain and gale force winds. Perhaps it was the smell eminating from my years facial growth or my "cannabis enhanced spacial moondance" that scared them.
Moral was high even if we only managed to muster 35 of us in our home town on our own doorstep. So "hellbent" are the BNP that they travelled as far away as Cornwall to impose their vile democracy and truth into British Politics. But they were no match for our half hour, half hearted protest and media spin on Granada TV.
Friday, 14 September 2007
BNP By-Election Disaster
We spent £10's of thousands on our hate campaigns. We had a complete bnp media blackout. We lied through our teeth. We rigged the votes and bribed the voters. We bussed in thousands of immigrants. We marched. We spread hatered. We slashed the BNP candidates tyres, We egged their house. We harrassed their kids. We got them sacked from their jobs. We even used the votes of unrecorderd dead labour voters.
It was all worthwhile...
Irwell (Rossendale)
Lab 379 (37.16%)
Con 312 (30.59%)
LibDem 48 (4.71%)
BNP 281 (27.55%)
31 Votes short of 2nd!!!
Any less of an effort and they may have just won fair and square!
It was all worthwhile...
Irwell (Rossendale)
Lab 379 (37.16%)
Con 312 (30.59%)
LibDem 48 (4.71%)
BNP 281 (27.55%)
31 Votes short of 2nd!!!
Any less of an effort and they may have just won fair and square!
Saturday, 8 September 2007
More disgusting Truth to fight...
The London BNP have a new website that displays some of the sickest truth you will ever read. If you are one of the sick twisted few that can stomach such truth, click below...
UAD accept no responsibility for mental stress caused by viewing the above site. You have been warned!
UAD accept no responsibility for mental stress caused by viewing the above site. You have been warned!
Young Nazi and Another Lie!
In desperation we have decided to re-run the fit-up video of Mark Collet as we are lsoing our credibility quicker than KettleN is losing his hair and dignity.
This video clearly shows Mark Collet admitting to being Hilters lovechild in a round-about way, sort of ish.
He makes the stunning admission that he would rather live in an organised, structured, law abiding and Nationally proud society than the Multicultural, crime free, prosperous wonderlands of Oldham, Bradford, Slough, Southall, East London and beyond! So startling is this revelation we are going to take that as evidence that Mark and the entire BNP are Racist Nazi Scum.
I mean for God's sake we have video of the guy lifting weights to keep fit - A true sign of a real Nazi! Never mind the fact that he likes to look smart and has self pride - another one of Hitlers traits - therefore more proof that we can use to call him a Nazi.
We urge our members to send in anything they can on Mark Collet to help add to our ever growing cigarette packet of evidence to prove that he is Hitlers lovechild. You know the sort of thing... something someone that knew someone that said something that sounded like it may have been said which could be concluded as factual evidence if you squint your eyes and ears hard enough.
Perhaps, any traffic wardens that may have once ticketed Marks car and heard him swear, anything will do - we're desperate!
This video clearly shows Mark Collet admitting to being Hilters lovechild in a round-about way, sort of ish.
He makes the stunning admission that he would rather live in an organised, structured, law abiding and Nationally proud society than the Multicultural, crime free, prosperous wonderlands of Oldham, Bradford, Slough, Southall, East London and beyond! So startling is this revelation we are going to take that as evidence that Mark and the entire BNP are Racist Nazi Scum.
I mean for God's sake we have video of the guy lifting weights to keep fit - A true sign of a real Nazi! Never mind the fact that he likes to look smart and has self pride - another one of Hitlers traits - therefore more proof that we can use to call him a Nazi.
We urge our members to send in anything they can on Mark Collet to help add to our ever growing cigarette packet of evidence to prove that he is Hitlers lovechild. You know the sort of thing... something someone that knew someone that said something that sounded like it may have been said which could be concluded as factual evidence if you squint your eyes and ears hard enough.
Perhaps, any traffic wardens that may have once ticketed Marks car and heard him swear, anything will do - we're desperate!
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Proud to be so full of Hate!
This isn't us in the picture below, but we wish it was! This is just the kind of people we are and proud of it.
This is what happens to single women and old age pensioners if they dare to try and spread the truth that is the BNP. We will fight them on the street (only if they are women or children or we outnumber them 20/1).
How dare these people try and exersize democracy legally. We own democracy and the law, no-one else. Mess with us and this is what you get...

Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Lancaster Unite Against Freedom
Check out dedicated sites below...
Just in case any copycat organisations wanted to mock us here at Lancaster Unite Against Freedom!
Just in case any copycat organisations wanted to mock us here at Lancaster Unite Against Freedom!
Monday, 3 September 2007
Introduction to Lancaster UAD
Lancaster UAD have teamed up with the media, newspapers, TV Channels and ALL political parties in order to stop the BNP and deny them a voice.
Whilst we can bribe and control the TV, News, Papers and most other media formats, we have yet to discover a way to control the internet (which pees us off no end). Anyone with suggestions as to how we can do this please email us.

It is imperative that we continue to distort the truth about the BNP as we believe they are beginning to expose us as the true Nazi, hate mongering, unemployed, pot smoking parasites we are.
These fascists must be opposed at every opportunity. Free speech should not extend to critiscising immigration, opposing migrants because they undercut wages or asylum-seekers because they are put to the front of the housing queue.
Free speech certainly should not extend to criticising the Labour Party or its policies and certainly not to attacking the salaries and perks of union leaders or Labour MPs who use members money to help fund Lancaster UAD!
If a BNP fascist should utter any such offensive comments then they should be sacked from their job and kicked out of the union - don't stand idly by whilst BNP facists stomp all over our hard-earned rights!
We invented oppression and we are proud of it! Only we have the right to exercise it!
Our Ivory towers, massive salaries, expense accounts, holiday homes, private school fees and enormous pensions depend on it!
Should you ever be tempted to find out about the BNP or listen to anyone else other than us or the media, simply put your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and chant over and over again "the BNP are racist, the BNP are racist". That should eliminate all temptation.

Whatever you do, do not visit their website (http://www.bnp.org.uk/) It is so full of truth it is sickening! You have been warned.
"The BNP are gaining ground and we must act to stem the stench of truth, democracy, integrity and honesty which this odious little party represent"
Whilst we can bribe and control the TV, News, Papers and most other media formats, we have yet to discover a way to control the internet (which pees us off no end). Anyone with suggestions as to how we can do this please email us.

It is imperative that we continue to distort the truth about the BNP as we believe they are beginning to expose us as the true Nazi, hate mongering, unemployed, pot smoking parasites we are.
These fascists must be opposed at every opportunity. Free speech should not extend to critiscising immigration, opposing migrants because they undercut wages or asylum-seekers because they are put to the front of the housing queue.
Free speech certainly should not extend to criticising the Labour Party or its policies and certainly not to attacking the salaries and perks of union leaders or Labour MPs who use members money to help fund Lancaster UAD!
If a BNP fascist should utter any such offensive comments then they should be sacked from their job and kicked out of the union - don't stand idly by whilst BNP facists stomp all over our hard-earned rights!
We invented oppression and we are proud of it! Only we have the right to exercise it!
Our Ivory towers, massive salaries, expense accounts, holiday homes, private school fees and enormous pensions depend on it!
Should you ever be tempted to find out about the BNP or listen to anyone else other than us or the media, simply put your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and chant over and over again "the BNP are racist, the BNP are racist". That should eliminate all temptation.

Whatever you do, do not visit their website (http://www.bnp.org.uk/) It is so full of truth it is sickening! You have been warned.
"The BNP are gaining ground and we must act to stem the stench of truth, democracy, integrity and honesty which this odious little party represent"

Welcome to our Brand new Site
We at the Lancaster UAD (unite against democracy) have set this site up to spread as much rubbish as we can dig up against the bnp.
Regardless of how trivial or pathetic, we are desperate to stem the stench of truth, honesty and integrity that is the bnp.
Regardless of how trivial or pathetic, we are desperate to stem the stench of truth, honesty and integrity that is the bnp.
BNP win another Council seat. Click here to find out how you can put "spin" on this to convince the world it was all a mistake, or that the voters were hoodwinked in some unfair or illegal way! |
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