Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Lancaster Unite Against Freedom

Check out dedicated sites below...

Just in case any copycat organisations wanted to mock us here at Lancaster Unite Against Freedom!


TCM said...


Anonymous said...

I hope we do not get infiltrated by those thugs who try to stop our fight against freedom. They really are the pits we need to sort those f*****s out before it's too late they are gaining ground and before you know they will outnumber us 100-1.

Anonymous said...

100-1 !!!

I only take them on one at a time, and as long as I have 200 backing me up and half a police force to oversee things in case I get confronted with any political debate or truths!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on that anymous. R Sole is a right hard bastard. The BNP must be wetting thier pants.

Anonymous said...

I am a black belt in tai wan if you need any help anymous call on me. I will send them off with their tails between their nazi legs. Nobody messes with Ingrid.